1) to get into, have an argument
2) to break off, terminate; clinch, settle an argument
3) an angry, bitter, heated, loud, violent argument
4) an argument breaks out
5) an argument about, over; between; with (I had a bitter argument with him about politics)
6) to drive home, press; offer, present, put forward an argument
7) to confute, rebut, refute an argument
8) an airtight, balanced, cogent, compelling, conclusive, convincing, irrefutable, logical, persuasive, rational, solid, sound, telling, trenchant, unassailable, valid argument
9) a groundless; spurious; tenuous, weak argument
10) an argument about; against; for (she presented a convincing argument against the proposal)
11) an argument that + clause (I cannot accept his argument that war is inevitable)
12) (misc.) (legal) to hear arguments against; for